Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Week 8 Reflection

This week we looked at word processor and an excel software to create a spreadsheet. However,I was already familiar with both  and was able to complete my class assignment on my own. We used word processor to embellish our VARK learning style results, our ASSURE lesson plan and my assessment tool to be used in this lesson.
  Below is a print screen of of my lesson plan assessment tool  after using word processor.


Teachers can use word processor in their classroom to make attractive charts for lessons. Attractive charts may actually encourage students attention and participation.

Students as well can use word processor to do their projects. They can also create flyers to share information within the school and their communities.

We also created a spreadsheets using  excel this week.
Teachers can use spreadsheet in their class to create a chore roster, or as an attendance register or even a behavioral chart. Excel provides an easy organized table system  that is able to automatically complete multiple mathematical operations. I used excel to create a a mark sheet this week.

Monday, 11 November 2013


         Great Job Marion!!! I can see that you have had a really good experience.  Continue to keep a positive mindset as you proceed in the remainder of the course!



Saturday, 2 November 2013

Week 7 Reflection


This week we looked at the ASSURE model lesson plan. I honestly did not have a clue on what the ASSURE model was, actually most of my classmates did not know either. However, Mrs Marsh Roberts had us watch a short presentation which explained it all. In my understanding the ASSURE model was simply a  lesson plan guide which allows teachers to plan for their lessons. The components of the ASSURE model is as follows:
Analyze the learners
State Objectives
Select media, method and materials
Utilize selected media method and materials
Required learner Participation
Evaluate and Revise

It is very important that teachers plan their lessons so that they are able to teach effectively. 
A teacher who plans his/her lesson has a better chance of catering for each learner in the class. This is because the teacher planned and  tailored their lesson to fit each individual learner.  
Teachers who plan their lessons are better equipped with accurate information since they would have done  their research before hand.It is essential that correct information is given to students since it is extremely difficult for students  to unlearn information that was already given by teacher.
Also a teacher who plans usually has good classroom management since he/she has planned a lesson that will keep students engaged for the lesson period so students are not left on their own without something to occupy their time. 
In the case of the ASSURE model the teacher would have done the planning and  preparation necessary   for an effective lesson.
I believe that  unless a teacher plans his/her lesson they are not able to teach to the best of their ability  and is therefore not as effective in teaching a lesson as they should or could have been.

This week we also explored Windows Live Movie Maker this was so much fun. In groups we created our very own movies to go along with an ASSURE model lesson plan.The movie  that our group did it was AWESOME our lesson was on Tourism.
We even used audacity to import music into our movie. Oh Yes! I have been utilizing all the new technology  skills and information that I have learned.
I am learning and enjoying my EDET venture and I am really looking forward to week 8 :)

Week 6 Reflection


This week we looked at Podcasts. Mrs Jonah Greene came in as a resource person to inform us on what a podcast was and how we can create our own podcast.  I learned that a podcast is the creation and sharing of  amateur radio. Mrs Greene also referred to podcasts as  Personal On Demand radio.
We were then directed on how to download audacity which is a software program needed to record your audio. However I had already done so. Mrs Greene then had us work in groups to create our very own podcast. It was really interesting to find out how easy it was to create my own recording.

A Podcast is a great tool that teachers can use within their classrooms. Teachers can use a podcast to record students individual readings and assess these readings over a period of time to measure improvements.Teachers can also utilize podcasts in their lessons for an exciting introduction.Teachers can record a story or poem for the lesson introduction or just an attention grabber.

Podcasting is so easy that even the students can create their own recordings.
Student can  use a podcast to make audio journals to reflect on lessons. They can also use a podcast in subjects like Science and Social Studies to record information for project observations or to make documentaries or advertisement to raise awareness of  a topic or concept that they have learned that will be beneficial to the listeners.

Finally I must say I have come along way in this technology class and I am definitely going to be utilizing podcasts when I return to my classroom so that both my students and myself can benefit from it.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Week 5 Reflection

Good Day bloggers,
I must say that I have really come along way in my technology classes. Although it takes a lot of tampering and exploring to keep up to date with assignments, with help from Mrs. Marsh-Roberts and other classmates assistance I have learned so much.

Week 5 was GREAT!!!!!!
This week I learned some new information that I would really love to share.

 Mrs. Marsh- Roberts instructed us to download drop-box to our computers so of course I did. As I explored this new feature I found out that drop box was simply a storage device that allows you to access saved documents from your computer on other devices like your smartphones.This therefore meant that once you have saved  important files in  drop-box in the case of any mishaps where your computer is stolen or your computer crashes or any other situation where you are unable to access your files from your computer you may do so from another computer or device. Drop-box saves your information in clouds so you don't ever have to worry about losing your files. This finding was simply awesome I had to  literally scream "where has drop box been all my life" :)
Bloggers trust me drop- box is something that you may want to consider to use.

This week I also learned how to add contributors to post comments or critiques on my blog. I actually liked this whole idea since I would have persons who will be actively viewing my blog and giving ideas to better my ideas.
 These are some of the comments my group contributed to my blog.

Although, starting this blog was confusing and difficult at first it has become simpler and more enjoyable due to me tampering and making regular posts which was advised by my lecturer Mrs.Marsh- Roberts.

I am actually loving my technology classes and look forward to continuing this venture in learning about technology.

Monday, 30 September 2013


I see that you have truly reflected on what you have learnt. Continue to do your best in the reaching your goals in EDET 101

Great Job!

Hey Marion,

so glad to see you blogging away. One note though, although your reflection doesn't have to be long it's a good idea to make it informative enough so that when you are looking back you have a clear cut idea of what we did while at that stage. Looking forward to seeing more of you as we go forward in this course together.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Week 2 Reflection

I enjoyed our lesson last Monday as we presented on the learning theories of Behaviourism,  Constructivism, Cognitivism and  Psychosocial. As different groups presented the information I had researched prior by Howard Gardner, it then became much clearer. We were challenged to complete and online questionnaire to give us and outline of our specific learning styles. Below is a print screen of my results.

Bloggers if you are interested in doing the questionnaire to find out what is your learning styles are you can visit

 This week as I also learned to create a power point presentation I was very proud of my end product after tampering and learning at the same time. My presentation is presented below.
Although I was at a stage of disequilibrium trying to create this blog  Mrs. Marsh-Roberts  encouraged peer tutoring and I was able to get help from a class mate. Overall I think this week was informative.

Week 1 Reflection

My first week of Education Technology class was good. In my opinion educational technology is the use of appropriate tools and media to creatively improve learning. When coming to the classroom, teaching and learning, technology may be used to creatively and effectively cater for different learners. I look forward to learn more about how to use technology in my classroom and also to learn new information.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Welcome to my blog!!

Technology definitely has a place in our 21st century classroom. As I do this EDET course I hope to learn more about ways I can integrate technology into my lessons. As I try to cater for all learning styles in my classroom. Feel free to share ideas. Thank you!!